Stubben Edge Primary Heating System

Primary Heating System

Home Emergency Cover

Section - Emergency Boiler Cover

In the event of a complete breakdown of the domestic boiler at your property which results in the complete loss of your heating/or hot water an engineer will visit your property and complete a temporary repair to limit or prevent damage or, solely at the claims administrator’s discretion, replace the relevant part(s). We undertake to obtain spare parts as quickly as is reasonably possible. If your domestic central heating system has failed completely and it is not possible for the engineer to re-instate your heating, then in the event that it takes more than 60 hours to obtain spare parts from the first point at which an engineer visits you and diagnoses the requirement, we will pay a fixed benefit of £40 towards the cost of providing alternative heating (for example, if you purchase an electric heater).

We do not cover:

a) Any repair/replacement whilst your domestic boiler is still covered by a retailer or manufacturer warranty.

b) The cold-water system including its feed and outlet.

c) Your water supply from the hot cylinder to your taps.

d) Any non-gas appliances, Elson tanks, separate gas heaters supplying hot water, LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) boilers and dual-purpose boilers such as AGA’s and Rayburns.

e) Repair or replacement of fan convector heaters or heated towel rails or underfloor heating.

f) Corrosion or any work arising from hard water scale deposits.

g) Boilers over 15 years old at the start date.

h) Any boiler that has an output more than 60kW/hr.

i) Removal of sludge or hard water scale.

j) Any boiler which has not been serviced within the 12 months prior to the emergency occurring.

k) Any gas fired appliance whose primary purpose is other than heating, for example a domestic cooker or lighting system.

l) Solar powered panels or ground air and water source pumps.

m) Repairs when an engineer deems the boiler to be beyond economic repair.

Please Note:

Cover under this section of the policy is only provided for repairs/replacement parts which are required after any retailer or manufacturer warranty on your domestic boiler has expired. If your domestic boiler is still covered by a retailer or manufacturer warranty when an emergency occurs, an engineer will not be able to attend your property and/or carry out the repair/replacement and you will need to contact the retailer/manufacturer as appropriate.

Section - Domestic Central Heating System Cover

In the event of an emergency causing a complete breakdown of your domestic central heating system, which results in the system becoming completely unusable, an engineer will visit your property and complete a temporary repair to limit or prevent damage or, solely at the claims administrator’s discretion, replace the relevant part(s). We undertake to obtain spare parts as quickly as is reasonably possible. If your domestic central heating system has failed completely and it is not possible for the engineer to re-instate your heating, then in the event that it takes more than 60 hours to obtain spare parts from the first point at which an engineer visits you and diagnoses the requirement, we will pay a fixed benefit of £40 towards the cost of providing alternative heating (for example, if you purchase an electric heater).

We do not cover:

a) Non-emergency day to day maintenance work including, but not limited to, descaling of central heating pipes, adjustment to the timing and temperature controls of the domestic central heating system and venting (bleeding) of radiators.

b) Any non-gas appliances, Elson tanks, separate gas heaters supplying hot water, LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) boilers and dual-purpose boilers such as AGA’s and Rayburns.

c) Repair or replacement of fan convector heaters or heated towel rails or underfloor heating.

d) Corrosion or any work arising from hard water scale deposits.

e) Removal of sludge or hard water scale from the domestic central heating system or radiators.

f) Any gas fired appliance whose primary purpose is other than heating, for example a domestic cooker or lighting system.

g) Solar powered panels or ground air and water source pumps.

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